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Sunset Sherbert

Sunset Sherbet hemp strain is a rare and unique cultivar known for its uplifting and euphoric effects.

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Cherry Trump

Cherry Trump hemp strain is a rare and unique flower known for its high CBD content and flavorful profile.

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The Wife

Known for its high CBD content and flavorful profile. This strain is a cross between the famous Special Sauce and ERB strains, resulting in a powerful combination of genetics.

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This hemp strain is known for its high CBD content and unique aroma. It offers a range of potential benefits, including pain relief and relaxation.

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Cherry Wine

Unique combination of sweet and earthy aromas. This strain is a cross between the famous The Wife and Charlotte's Cherries strains, resulting in a unique and flavorful profile. 

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EMB of CT, an indoor hemp facility, is known for producing some of the best hemp flower on the market due to their commitment to quality and consistency. 

  • Controlled environment:

    By growing hemp indoors, EMB of CT is able to control the temperature, humidity, and lighting to create the ideal environment for the plants to thrive. This results in more consistent and higher quality yields.

  • Precision cultivation:

    EMB of CT uses state-of-the-art technology such as LED lighting and automated watering systems to ensure the plants receive the exact amount of water and nutrients they need at the right time. This results in healthier plants that produce higher quality flower.

  • Strict quality control:

    EMB of CT has strict quality control measures in place to ensure that only the best plants are used for their hemp flower. They use lab testing to check for purity and potency, and only the highest quality plants make it to the final product.

  • Clean and sustainable practices:

    EMB of CT focuses on using sustainable and clean growing practices. This includes using natural pest control methods, recycling water, and reducing energy consumption.